Tuesday 9 February 2016

How to Play FB Chess Game in Facebook Messenger

Are you feeling alone?
Are you a chess Game Lover?
Getting bored with all games?
Feeling bored with chatting?  
DO you love online games?

IF your answers is YES! 

Here We have a best game to play with your friends.. You just need to have Facebook account now a days every one on Facebook to get rid of bareness... Facebook messenger ia having 800 millions of active users and still introducing new features every day. Recently a new feature is rolled out and it is a secret chess game with your friends through messenger.

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Play FB Chess Game in Facebook Messenger With your friends secretly 

If You have Facebook Messenger you can start a game with someone who can play chess by sending @fbchees play 

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you will receive 2 messages from FBChesss page and Here we go chess game starts....
Here you need to play game using few commands 

Commands For FBchess Game:

For staring the FBChess: @FBchess play
Here you can choose the colour by using this command: @fbchess play white/black
Or else you can give opponents colour by using this command: @fbchess play white/Black (Opponent Name) 

If you dont know hot to play @fbchess you just send this command @fbchess help, you will get a message and in that you will get a bunch of commands. Read them and play game .

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Move The Pawns using any of these Commands: 

  • @fbchess e4 or @fbchess Pe4 moves pawn to e4
  • Nbd2 to move knight from b-file to d2
  • B2xc5 to take on c5 with 2nd rank bishop
  • e8=Q to promote pawn to queen
  • 0-0-0 or O-O to castle

For Claim draw (e.g. 3-fold repetition) use This Command: @fbchess draw claim
you can Offer a draw in the current position send this command: @fbchess draw offer
if you want to Offer an undo of the last move: @fbchess undo
Resign: @fbchess resign
Show current position: @fbchess show
Show stats between current players: @fbchess stats
Continue a game from another conversation: @fbchess continue
  • From 1:1 conversation, @fbchess continue with [friend]
  • From group chat, @fbchess continue from [thread name]

 Game looks quite tough as it need to use commands every time and scroll to the game image but this game indicates many things to come in future in Facebook messenger.